Well we made it through the first Kindy Day!
We got there and Elkie was into everything, gluing, painting, checking the toilet out (very importantat this age) and having a great time. Next was story time and I said I would be off now, there was a protest and a tear but I bravely walked out to the car pretending I wasn't worried! I went as far as Mums, about 2 minutes away and was reassured that she would be fine. I knew this really as we had been over all the details of when I would be back to pick her up, so I chatted to Mum for the next 2 and a half hours looking at the clock every 10 mins to see if it was time to pick her up yet!! 15 mins before I was off to make sure I wasn't late, only had a 2 minute drive, and got there with heaps of time to spare and there were most of the other Mums waiting too....one who had arrived late and reaasured me that there were no upset children when she went in all of about 1 minute after I left!!! Elkie was first out and very grown up like did a quick cuddle before very importantly going to find all her paintings and creations she had made that day. Off home and back to normal....I did get some intermittant, lovely cuddles for the next two days!!!! Off to kindy again today, hopefully no tears at all this time and some bearmaking on the books!!
Hugs Linda & Elkiex