Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Special Parcel Arrived Today!!!

My hubby rang to say he had a parcel from Ina of 'Bears and Roses ' for Elkie!!!!
I had to wait all day to see what was in the box.....Elkie was soooo excited just to get a parcel and then when she opened it she was so very very happy and just loved the bunny 'Saulele' that Ina made for her as a present!!! I too got a surprise to find a beautiful handmade brooch and Chocolate!!
It was Elkie's last day at Kindy and they had a fabulous last week....a ride on a Harley motorbike, a bouncy castle and a visit from Santa Claus...then to top it off a wonderful present all the way from Lithuania!!!
Thank you so much Ina!!!! I too have something on the way for you and Polina!!!
Don't you just LOVE Christmas!!!!
Big Hugs Over To Lithuania from Elkie and Me xoxoxoxoxoxoxox


  1. WONDERFUL!!! I LOVE her bears and critters, too! I'm SO happy that Elkie had such a beautiful day--it's what makes Christmas so special and wonderful!
    Heaps of Hugs,

  2. How lucky you are Elkie, have a wonderful Christmas and holiday! And have fun at "big school" next year :o)

  3. Elkie looks so happy, so I am happy too!!!
    Have a wonderful Christmas, girls! :)

  4. Elkie and Saulele very suited to each other! They both look like two little sunshines! :))
    Inna, what a wonderful present!
    Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

  5. Awh how sweet is this. Elkie looks like she is in love. Christmas is the best with kids.

  6. I can hardly get Elkie to go to sleep she is Soooo excited!!!!! :)
